Advantages of Lockers for Students

Posted on January 28, 2015

LockersSurprisingly lockers have great advantages for students that you wouldn't even consider without reading into it. Currently Christmas seems like a distant memory to all those children back at school, sat in class counting down the days until the next half term, but as teachers you may want to consider these benefits for your pupils before you write-off the new lockers suggestion.

Some of the great benefits for having lockers include:


The obvious advantage and the main reason for putting lockers into place, is for the security they offer to pupils. Having a lockable area for your valuables is a brilliant way to keep your belongings safe and secure. Making sure you put metal lockers in place is an added bonus, allowing them to be heavy duty and “child proof”.

Reduce Distractions

Depending on the rules within your school, children may not be allowed to carry mobile phones around once they arrive in school. However they may need them before and after school to arrange transport, so having lockers in place for the students ensures that they are out of the way, so they aren’t going to get distracted within the classroom.

Reduce the Strain

Being young enough to remember my time at school, I can honestly say I couldn’t have lived without my locker. The days when I had double PE and double Science - having to bring in 2 PE kits and 2 science project books was quite a strain; I’m glad I didn’t have to carry them around all day and make sure that I had them with me at all times.

Responsibility and Security

Some students don’t know the real value of money and the importance of keeping things secure, so having lockers in place assists with teaching the students how important these things actually are. It also teaches them respect for their own and other’s belongings. Teaching them to respect other people’s property is a great learning curve for any person growing up.

Improve Time Management

Students are given set times to go to their lockers; before school, break time, lunch time and after school. Going during these times and not being late for your lessons can be hard for people that can’t manage their time, so what better way to learn and improve than practising on a daily basis?

Sense of Space / Ownership

The final benefit for students having storage lockers is the feeling of ownership and having a sense of space. Knowing that you can go somewhere that “belongs to you” gives you the feeling of ownership and responsibility, which is a great trait to learn whilst growing up.

To pass on all of these advantages to your students, visit The Workplace Depot to see our full range of metal lockers.


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